The Meat of the Site: Planning Your Website’s Content

man working in a cafe looking at tablet device

When it comes to building a website, buzzwords, such as user experience, interface and code-related matters, are the first things that people think about. And there is nothing wrong with it. After all, these are the technical things that make a website tick. These are priorities that need the expertise of high-caliber professionals. But when you come to think of it, all of these will not matter when your website lacks one crucial thing: content. Content is still king. Regardless of the trends and advancements coming along, the content will always remain relevant.

It is the meat of the site. It is the thing that draws your audience and makes them stay. You will not hear someone who will say that they visit your website because of the user experience; they visit your site because they have to get something – and that is through content.

This is why content development is an integral part of your plan. Here are some of the pointers to keep in mind, as recommended by a leading provider of website development services and search engine optimization in Utah.

There should be a theme

There should be a subject that pulls everything together. This big idea should be in line with your brand and the advocacy you are promoting. For example, if you are selling gym membership, the theme that you should have must cover health and wellness.

You may go beyond exercises; you have the liberty of tackling diet and relevant trends. When you have a theme, your content story will be cohesive.

Work with collaborators

creative employees planning together

You may have a team of copywriters and content writers that come up with themes, one-liners and even body copies. But if you are running a blog on your site, you should make sure that there is credibility. With that in mind, you may consider having guest posts every now and then.

This works by commissioning a certain trusted figure in your business to write something about an issue where your product is relevant. You can invite authors, business leaders and even some young influencers to write on your site and attract your target audience to read on.

Just make sure that you have a solid project brief for them.

Keep things simple

Some content writers cannot fight the urge to be poetic and profound when writing content. Remember, you are writing for people who want to understand what they are reading as smoothly as possible. This is the reason you should keep your sentences short, and your choice of words simple.

True creativity in writing is exemplified when you write something good without using highfalutin words.

Tell a story

Content is not just about selling a product. It is all about telling a story where your product is one of the characters. You may ditch conventional text when it comes to this. Instead, use other forms of content to tell a textured story; you may use videos and infographics.

Planning your website’s content should not be difficult, especially if you already have a team of content writers and copywriters who will flesh out your themes and outlines. Make sure that your content is also optimized so that more people can read it.

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