The Impotance of Name Recall: What’s in a Name?

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How often do you go to the market to replenish your home supplies? A lot of people prepare themselves for the trip by making a list. There are others who can get by without one. How do they do it? That may be attributed to sharp memory, but you cannot deny the power of name recall. You may forget some items that you need, but brands and titles are easily etched into your brain. It does not make you qualified to be a bankruptcy attorney, but it may save you from missing something that you should be buying.

There are companies out there that are great at naming their offerings. It is a very important marketing aspect that should not be ignored.

The Aha Moment

What is in a name? There are billions of people in the world, and meeting new ones at your town can even prove to be challenging when it comes to remembering their names. It is not easy to come up with something unique, and many families go with the traditional monikers. For this reason, you need to associate that with the person’s other traits, like physical features that stand out.

A brand name should bring out an instant reaction within you. Without thinking of anything else, it should make your mind click when you hear or read about it.

Short but Sweet

How a brain works will vary from person to person. There are people who are better at memorizing than others. But when you have too many words or information to take in, anyone would struggle to keep that in memory. There are exceptions, but it would be a huge marketing mistake to name a product using long words or phrases. You want your brand to be plastered prominently on the packaging and different advertising media, so keeping it short and sweet will allow you to do that.

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Piques Curiosity

A brand name should not only be easy to remember, but it should also pique your curiosity. It should like it is supposed to be in its proper product category, like how Cheetos makes you instantly think about it as a cheese-flavored snack. At the same time, it should seal in a little mystery so that the people being targeted would have just enough urge to go out and try it.

It Should Be Distinctive

You have to give your brand name a proper distinction. This is not just so you can avoid legal repercussions. Obviously, if the name you thought of is similar to a competing product, expect the lawsuits to come your way. The brand distinction will also be for the benefit of your company especially if you are offering multiple products across one category. An easy example of this would be if you were offering soap products. If you are targeting both men and women, you should have names for them that are catchy and distinct.

It would be quite challenging to stand out on a store shelf that has rows of other competing products. Establishing a memorable brand name will help a lot, but you also have to make sure that you have a quality offering. When you nail both, expect for people to bypass whatever is in front of them and just ask for your product, even if the store has it placed in the farthest corners of its premises.

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