Characteristics of an Agile Workplace for Improved Productivity

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The Agile approach has slowly become a favorite among thriving companies, and Agile workplace designs are now the go-to solution for firms that want to have an environment that can improve productivity. Pair this intuitive approach with quality implementation services from software companies like ServiceNow can help any business create a working environment that’s fully capable of responding to the ever-changing demands of clients and industries.

To help you incorporate the right Agile practices to your workspace, here’s everything you need to know about the Agile workspace, from its definition to its characteristics, helping you achieve a smarter way to work.

What Is an Agile Working Environment?

Agile working environments or workplaces are spaces designed to give employees flexibility. These workspaces empower employees to work when, where, and how they deem necessary and provide them with all the technology and tools they may need. This approach aims to generate higher levels of work output from employees, in both quality and quantity.

Individuals that work in agile working environments don’t get constrained by the typical 9 to 5 schedules, and they’re free to work as they please.

Most employees don’t get designated to one desk or areas in the agile workplace because workers are encouraged to pick whatever work setting suits their activity while on their shift, promoting better productivity and a happier working environment.

Characteristics of an Agile Workplace


An Agile workplace enables employees to work in ways that best suit their preferences, improving productivity, job satisfaction, and overall efficiency. All businesses approach the subject differently, but there are several common characteristics of a truly Agile business.

The following are the key characteristics of an Agile workplace, see how yours compares and determine what these can bring to your business.

  • Easy Access

The workplace needs to be accessible, especially areas that employees may frequent in, such as bathrooms and pantries. Providing employees better accessibility that allows them to move into and out of different places seamlessly can drastically improve their quality and quantity work output. That’s because no one likes being confined, especially when an employee follows a dynamic work style.

  • Peace

If you want your business’s working environment to be 100% agile, peace is an essential aspect that you need to incorporate. However, establishing peace can be challenging in bustling, open, and Agile spaces. The best way you can do this is by discouraging people from chatting while at the office because the lower the level of interruption your workspace has, the easier it is for your employees to focus on their tasks and not get sidetracked.

  • Comfortability

Although the tasks that you may allocate to your employees may vary, providing comfort is a universal need to ensure they get the job done correctly. Workers that are on-edge, stressed, uncomfortable, or perplexed by their working environment can disrupt their workflow by focusing on adapting rather than working.

  • Adaptability

It’s best to understand your workers’ everyday needs, such as having enough electrical outlets or having permission for rearranging office furniture when necessary. Understanding and providing these can help your workers adapt to specific scenarios that may require them to adjust for better workflow.

It’s best to pay attention to your workplace’s design to improve these essential attributes in the Agile working environment. Details matter in the agile workplace, and if you want to promote productivity and provide a happier working environment for your staff, try the Agile approach today.

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