Companies Creating Opportunities in These Challenging Times

Female using her laptop at home

The current global health crisis we’re in right now has caused quite a stir among industries and businesses as they were forced to cease operations and shut down. In light of containing the virus and preventing it from spreading any further, the government has issued a decree that all non-essential business establishments are to close down and send their people home.

Some businesses and companies have adopted a work-from-home program that will still help keep them afloat and keep their employees employed. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to have that privilege, especially those who have been furloughed.

Closed shops and empty streets are sending the unemployment numbers up by several percentage points from the recent low of 3.5%. Experts say that it only needs to hit 5% to get to the Great Recession numbers, which is not impossible seeing the way things are going now. They also say that at the rate things are going, we will easily go beyond 10%.

Ramping Up Despite the Crisis

As companies are closing everywhere, especially non-essential types of business, not everyone is feeling the negative impacts of the coronavirus. Some businesses are actually experiencing some sort of business boom, believe it or not. Those who don’t have jobs have the chance to get work again.

The health crisis is throwing us into a financial crisis, but certain businesses are doing their best to help keep the economy afloat and mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19. They seem to benefit more from the current situation as these businesses are poised to take on the task of supplying what people need at this time.

Despite the seemingly downward spiral of the economy due to the dreaded pandemic, these companies are ramping up and increasing their workforce to still be able to deliver the different needs that people have.

Kroger, the country’s biggest supermarket revenue-wise and second-largest retailer, recently hired 2,000 people to help keep their shelves stocked with food supplies. It still has more than 10,000 job openings available for those who are willing and interested.

The pharmacy chain, CVS, is looking for people to fill in 50,000 openings and is giving its employees bonuses for still working in their stores despite the pandemic.

Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is looking to add 100,000 people to its workforce despite already employing 800,000 to date.

Even the manufacturers of Campbell’s soup say that product consumption went up by 60% which means they need to ramp up to meet the present demands.

Toilet paper and hand sanitizer consumption are also at an all-time high with shelves left empty by hordes of people who bought them out of panic. Manufacturers of the products say they are doing their best to produce as much of the product as they can to replenish supplies and fill in those empty racks.

Business conference call

Other services that are increasing in demand now are video conferencing, food delivery, movers in the supply chain such as truck drivers for logistics and reverse logistics, warehouse and storage workers, and more.

Although there is still some uncertainty about what the immediate future holds for us, companies and industries like these provide hope for most people who don’t have any other means of making ends meet and providing for their families.

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