Singapore Labor Market: In-demand Jobs in Singapore

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The pandemic had a significant impact on Singapore’s economy as many businesses closed to stem the spread of the virus. The travel and hospitality industries were significantly affected along with the retail industry as domestic consumption went down at the height of the health crisis.

The country is now trying to move forward after the number of new cases every day has gone down. This comes as nearly 400,000 individuals received at least one dose of the vaccine. With this, the job market in Singapore starts to recover, albeit slowly. Many of the jobs available are mainly tech jobs ideal for Singaporeans who went through a traineeship program in the island-state.

Artificial Intelligence Specialist

Artificial intelligence (AI) specialists create computer programs that simulate thinking. Also called AI developers, these professionals work on systems designed to gather data and make decisions based on the data.

Some specialists focus their work on cognitive simulations where computers are used in testing hypotheses in the way a human mind works. Additionally, these systems are used in different industries, including medicine, accounting, and geology.

AI specialists also create and develop computer models that benefit product managers, employees when they use them. Moreover, they also gather information to assess the needs of a company’s employees so that they can create an AI model suitable for them.

Digital Marketer

With shoppers flocking to online shopping sites due to the pandemic, Singaporean businesses have followed suit. But retailers now faced more competition since they had to deal with domestic businesses and international stores. Due to this, it became necessary for them to increase their 33online presence.

In these situations, a digital marketer has the necessary skills and knowledge to increase brand awareness and build leads for the business. They use a variety of digital tools to increase the online presence of a business. These tools include social media, emails, and online ads.

Additionally, digital marketers also use analytics to monitor and identify any weaknesses in a business’ online presence. They also work on strengthening these weaknesses and improve the performance of the website in the market.

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E-Commerce Specialist

A digital marketer focuses on increasing the online presence of a business and bringing attention to the brand. On the other hand, an e-commerce specialist focuses mainly on selling the products of a business.

They are responsible for taking into account the customers’ requirements and making plans for using suitable solutions to encourage them to purchase. These specialists also work with other online and offline professionals to increase the online sales of a business.

As the digital marketer generates leads, the e-commerce specialists aim to convert these leads into paying customers. They manage the daily activities on the website and ensure the website is functioning properly. They also focus on developing brand loyalty among the customers of the business.

Cybersecurity Specialist

News about the ongoing hacking efforts on Microsoft’s Exchange email software highlights the importance of securing websites from unscrupulous individuals who aim to steal confidential information. Due to this, the demand for cybersecurity specialists has increased.

Cybersecurity specialists monitor, detect and investigate security events affecting the computer systems of a business. They also analyze and respond appropriately to prevent unauthorized access to the systems.

These professionals work on protecting the integrity of the data and network of a business. They look for weaknesses in the system and work on strengthening them. They also look out for possible threats and stop them before they can attack the system.

Data Scientist

A data scientist or data analyst gather and analyze large sets of both structure and unstructured information or data. Their role is not limited to a single profession since they combine the work of a mathematician, statistician, and computer scientist.

Data scientists have one foot in IT and another foot in businesses. They provide business insights based on the data or information they gathered. They interpret the data and create actionable plans that companies can consider.

Additionally, data scientists use social science and technology skills to spot trends as well as to manage. They provide solutions using their knowledge in an industry, skepticism on certain assumptions, and contextual understanding.

Creative Copywriter

A creative copywriter works with the digital marketer to provide marketing copy to enhance the appeal of a company’s website. They also create marketing copies to bring traffic to the website. To do this, copywriters should have good knowledge about search engine optimization (SEO) writing so that they can use keywords that the target market normally uses when they’re looking for something on the internet.

Even as Singapore’s job market is quite competitive, some professions are in-demand due to the changes in the country’s current situation.

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