8 Tricks to Improve Your Business Website’s Performance

woman working

Today’s business realm is dominated by technological advances that are also used by other industries such as education, healthcare, and security. Surely, there are plenty of excellent ways to use technology in business and it’s often only a question of budget and willingness to try out these game-changing technologies.

For example, almost all businesses these days have a dedicated website where products and services are advertised and where business owners interact with their customers. And while it’s easy to think that all one needs to do is to have a website up and running, it’s more labor-intensive than that.

If your website happens to be performing poorly in search engine results or your customers complain that your web pages take too long to load each time, then you know just how stressful it is and how much work it takes to address such problems.

So, here are several great tricks to help you improve your website’s performance and make both search engines and your customers happy:

Mind your Core Web Vitals

Google, easily the world’s biggest search engine, has recently announced that it will begin using page experience powered by the three Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor this 2021. These metrics will come into play as the main determining factors on how Google will rank a website’s page experience capabilities, so it’s only wise to prepare for them right now.

You can do this by hiring a skilled Core Web Vitals service provider who can study your current website and see how they can improve user experience by making tweaks into these metrics. This will be a work in progress as your service provider will have to run continuous tests to find which tweaks work best on your Core Web Vitals.

Have your site coded for mobile-first speed and quality

Today’s generation is hooked on smartphones and tablets. The rapid developments in mobile technology in the last few years contributed heavily to the meteoric rise of mobile technology’s popularity and it doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime in the future.

As such, you have to make sure that your website is coded for mobile-first speed and quality to be responsive to the bulk of web users. Once your site is optimized for smartphones, you can then move on to tablets and then onto laptops and desktops.

Enable web caching feature

person browsing in an online shop

One easy trick to improve user experience in terms of how fast your web pages load is to enable the web caching feature. A web cache loads quicker, uses lesser bandwidth, and generally ensures a better experience for site visitors. Have your web management people check whether this feature is already enabled or not and do the appropriate action.

Invest in a dedicated web hosting solution

If your website is not hosted in a dedicated web hosting platform, then loading speed can be an issue. If you have the money for it, always choose a dedicated web hosting solution than a shared one as it will help make your user experience better for all visitors.

Think of a cloud-based website monitoring

There are a lot of things today that you can do on the cloud, including monitoring your website. There are cloud-based website monitoring hosts that offer such a service and you only need to contact one. This will allow you to stay on top of your website’s performance and have free time to focus on your business.

Make sure you have excellent content

Content is king these days, so you should ensure that your website has plenty of original and high-quality articles at any given time. Your content must be evergreen, updated, and relevant. If you have outdated or irrelevant content, then you must delete them at once since they will only do your website more harm than good.

Engage with your website visitors

You should find time to reply to visitors’ comments or questions and keep them engaged. This is one way of making your website perform well in terms of organic traffic, plus search engines generally like websites with lots of activity in terms of user engagement.

Maintain browser compatibility

Your website should be compatible with all browsers so it will load quickly most of the time. Remember that web browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Chrome periodically rolls out upgrades that could be incompatible with how your website was coded. Your web developer should be on top of these updates and ensure that your website’s code works well with the latest updates from the web browsers.

These simple tricks will surely help a lot in making your website perform better and ensure an excellent user experience. Just follow them and you’ll be good to go.

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