Legal Strategies to Protect Your Brand

brand written on notebook

Your business has many assets, and corporate identity is one of them. The brand is the business persona that your customers can relate to. With it, your business identity somehow becomes intangible. It is that important, yet many decision-makers often overlook measures and strategies that protect it.

Intellectual property theft is one concern that every businessperson should keep in mind. Your logos, designs, and trademarks are meant to be protected, as these assets practically help you make a living. When these are compromised, you run the risk of losing a large amount of money.

If you are looking for ways to protect your brand legally, here are some things to bear in mind:

Have your brand trademarked

Intellectual property covers everything that helps build your reputation, ranging from the color to designs and software. While copyright laws can protect this, it is not enough. If you want to enhance protection, trademark protection and proprietary rights must be in place. You need to register a trademark for your intellectual properties. When these assets have a registered trademark symbol, copycats and thieves will be warned.

Go for complex branding aesthetics

Sometimes, asset protections start with your decision on the creative aspects of your branding. If it is too generic and straightforward, it will be easy to copy and reproduce. Some branding and marketing decision-makers recommend using a branding material that is quite complex (but not too complex that will alienate the consumers).

For one, you might want to come up with a name that no one has heard of; in case you have a rare nickname or surname, you can choose to incorporate it into your branding. You can even use an unusual color. The same principle also applies to the design elements and choice of words for your slogans. In this context, it would be wise to assign the job to an advertising or branding agency.

Always monitor

Some companies and businesses have their own teams dedicated to tracking brands that potentially bear similarities with their brands. Most of them even use software and applications to make monitoring much easier and more efficient. But if the task is too much for your team, you can always go for the services of third-party providers, such as intellectual property agents.

Work with legal experts

lawyer and client

Since this is a legal concern, it would be wise to work with lawyers specializing in intellectual property rights and laws. They can come up with strategies that will help you approach theft and copycat brands. While you are at it, study the copyright and trademark laws with your legal partners. And remember that some solicitor firms offer advice on this aspect of your business.

Protect your reputation

Overall, remember that your reputation is a currency in the business world. Your corporate identity is the bridge between your business and the people who consume your products. With that, it is only necessary to protect your brand. Protecting your brand also helps you ensure that it will endure over the years.

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