Logistics: How to Keep Your Truck Driver Safe on the Road

truck driver

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the average car accidents per year in the U.S. is 6 million as of 2018. About 500,000 of it is truck-related accidents. The number itself is already alarming.

If you are an employer that hires truck drivers, they are your responsibility when an unforeseen circumstance happens. Hence, you have to do everything in your power to keep them safe in all aspects — especially with their safety nowadays as front liners during this pandemic. Here are some essential pointers to consider so that you can provide the best support to your truck drivers:

Maintain your trucks

Accidents are unavoidable, but a lot of them can be prevented by checking your trucks before drivers use it for the day. Typically, it is a must to check the brakes, tires, seat belts, lights, wipers, fluids, battery, air filter, and air conditioning before your truck or any vehicles before going on a long trip. If you find something unusual on any of these, it is best not to use it for the meantime and have it fixed immediately.

Remember that trucks are way heavier than the average car. So it is generally harder to control and may pose greater risks. They are also more prone to deterioration, so giving your truck regular maintenance will help you and your drivers safer. It can also be cheaper on your end in the long run compared to getting involved in a truck accident.

Conduct training for Safety Driving and provide safety equipment

A refresher course can be helpful as it keeps you and your employees updated with the latest news that might be relevant to your business. Remind them of the essential pieces of information which help in long term memorization and may increase productivity.

As their employer, you also must provide your truck drivers the safety equipment like face masks, personal protective equipment, if possible, and alcohol-based hand sanitizers to minimize health risks, especially since we’re in the middle of a virus outbreak. Taking proper precautions can help you save thousands of dollars compared to when your workers contract the virus.

truck driver

Allow your truck drivers to have enough and proper rest

A report done by the News Room shows that one out of four drivers are having issues with drowsy driving. Allowing your drivers to have a proper rest before driving also reduces the risks of accidents. Unlike the other causes of accidents, drowsy driving may be harder to report than, let’s say, drunk driving. Proper rest for your drivers is as important as maintaining your trucks. Your drivers are also human and require an adequate amount of rest to perform their jobs well. Proper rest can boost your drivers’ immune system that they would need while working in the middle of a health crisis.

In case of accidents, hire a lawyer

As an employer, you have to be realistic. Let’s face it, even if you do all the necessary steps and maintain your trucks, accidents can still happen. And if your driver gets involved in a road-related accident, it’s crucial to get an accident lawyer.

Truck lawyers have more experience and specialize in truck accidents. Laws and regulations may vary from one state to another, so you need to find someone who is well-educated when it comes to your local community guidelines. When involving truck accidents, a lot of things have to be considered. Factors such as your insurance claims as well as determining who is at fault. Unfortunately, insurance companies don’t make it when you file your claims. They have lawyers that also investigate the case, and sometimes, they can make it seem like it was your fault.

However, there can be many liable parties, and you would need a truck lawyer to efficiently gather pieces of evidence to support your claim and get you the compensation that you deserve. Lawyers can handle the technical and legal terms as they have studied it for many years. Dealing with it alone can be stressful and confusing, so it’s better to leave the job to the experts.

Being an employer or an entrepreneur in the middle of a health crisis is a challenging role. Truck drivers are considered essential workers because they are responsible for delivering foods, raw materials, gas, and other necessities that people need to survive every day. They deserve all the appreciation, support, and safety that you can provide as an employer to be able to have a good and harmonious relationship and to build a better community.

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