Career Progress


High-Paying Careers You Can Pursue With a Law Degree

Though many people think of law as a career that only offers high-paying opportunities to those already at the top of their field, this is not the case. In fact, several different legal careers provide outstanding salaries and plenty of room for advancement. If you’re looking for a high-paying job that you can pursue with

employee rising to top

Five Ways to Grow Your Employees’ Careers

It’s no secret that employee growth is essential to the success of any company. After all, it’s hard to achieve consistent success without a team of people who are constantly evolving and learning. But many business owners don’t realize that providing growth opportunities isn’t just good for the employees; it’s also suitable for the company.


Tips for securing your home office

When you work from home, it’s important to make sure that your office is as secure as possible. This means taking measures to prevent accidents and deter break-ins. Here are a few tips to get you started. Avoid accidents by limiting the use of certain chemicals in the home office Working from home can be

teenager online

Future Career Preparation for Teens: Online Training Programs to Take

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the education sector since its outbreak in March 2020. In fact, it has gradually been reshaping the future of education. It has all the more put emphasis on specialized skills over educational backgrounds. If one wants to succeed in their future career, they must start learning and developing skills as


These Women Are Also Changing the World

Do you know that the world is filled with amazing women who are changing countless lives? We have Melinda Gates, Mackenzie Scott, Priscilla Chan, Oprah, and Sheryl Sandberg, to name a few. These women cemented their place in industries that were usually associated with and previously dominated by men. They are smart, using their wealth not

The Philippines’ Gig Economy is Growing: What Filipinos Need to Know Before Jumping Onboard

COVID-19 dealt a devastating blow to Filipino workers: when the government imposed the first lockdown in March 2020 to curb the spread of the virus, millions lost their sources of livelihood. Small businesses, including cafes and restaurants, shut their doors, many permanently as the nation of 108 million hunkered down and waited for the pandemic

woman working

From an Idea to Reality: Starting a School for Young Learners

There are roughly about 74 million children in the US, many of whom are entering the age where they have to go to school. Each willing young learner is looking for their steps in the world of education, and many are eager to explore the world around them. As a budding entrepreneur, you might take some

hired candidate

Survive the Competitive Job Market: Be a More Valuable Worker

Finding work can be difficult in today’s competitive job market. Not everyone has the necessary skills and experience most employers are looking for, and the number of applicants for any given job can be overwhelming. Get a leg up on your competition by making yourself more visible and more valuable to your potential employers. Tweak

scam alert

Avoid These 6 Types of Common Job Scams

Even as the global health crisis is causing massive unemployment all around the globe, fraudsters haven’t stopped trying to dupe people into job scams. In fact, they are using the pandemic as an opportunity to take advantage of more people trying to look for jobs, capitalizing on the financial hardships that the pandemic has caused

Kids having an exam

For Parents: How You Can Help Your Kids Prepare for Career Success

Every parent dreams of seeing their kids happy and successful. You want to see your kids go up the stage, receive their diplomas, and start building their own careers. You want them to experience career success and reap the rewards of their many years of hard work. As a parent, your responsibility does not end

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