July 11, 2023


Reaching for the Skies: Advancing Your Career in Aviation

Assess your skills and set career goals to advance in the aviation industry. Identify improvement and skill development areas by conducting a gap analysis of competencies needed for career advancement. Network with industry professionals and attend professional organizations and events to explore career-building opportunities. Obtain specialized training such as multi-engine, instrument rating, and commercial pilot licenses to increase employability.  […]

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smiling young businessman in the office

Things to Consider Before Setting Up a Business: Tips for Entrepreneurs

Create a solid business plan to focus on your goals and attract investors/lenders. Understand the legal requirements for setting up a business. Do thorough market research to identify the target audience and competitors. Define your business structure and consider the tax implications. Secure funding through investors and loans. Starting a new business can be both

Things to Consider Before Setting Up a Business: Tips for Entrepreneurs Read More »

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